In today’s commodity marketplace, the storyteller’s job is to make your brand relevant.
To a brand, relevancy is everything.
Relevancy creates relationships. Makes your brand absolutely essential to the lives of your prospective buyers. Imbeds your brand deep into the consumer psyche. Differentiates your product or service. And turns users into advocates.
In a commodity world, relevancy is something writers fight tooth and nail to achieve. It’s a difficult job. Because brands are complex, and complexity is the enemy of relevancy. The more complicated the concept, the more intricate the story, the harder it is to engage the audience.
I turn complex ideas into simple stories. Stories that invite participation and move to action. Stories that advocate, educate and differentiate. Stories that stick with consumers long after the telling.
Stories that make brands relevant.
I’ve done it in every medium, from articles to ads, video to direct mail. For some of the world’s most successful brands. Brands like Sony. Ford Motors. Physicians Mutual. Pep Boys. ADT. Segway. The USO. Goodyear. Dickies. Jazzercise. United Way.
But I’m proudest of the work I’ve done for brands you’ve probably never heard of. Brands such as Earth Breeze. Stanley Eisenman. Cummers & Moyers. And Communicate Now. Unknown brands made relevant to their core audiences through strong storytelling.
Relevancy isn’t restricted to branding, either. Some of my most successful campaigns fall under the heading of direct response. Writing designed not to simply change minds, but open wallets.
So how does a writer make a brand relevant? You do it by digging deep into the industry, the brand and its competitors. You discover differentiators. And make those differentiators important to the audience through content, copy and creative.
What are the differentiators that make your brand relevant? I can help you find them, develop them, connect them to consumer needs and values.
You’ve got a compelling story to tell. Let me help you tell it.